
Rejoicing in a Risen Savior – Serving a Living Lord – Awaiting a Coming King


Our Worship Services are now open. We are meeting again together in our sanctuary for both the 8am and 10:30am services.

Remember to stay up to date with your “Estimate of Giving.” You can mail in your offering to the Church office @

600 Pitt Street, Wilkinsburg, PA 15221

or pay on-line at: Donorbox

We are streaming our 10:30am service on our Facebook Page. Below you will find links to our Worship Service.

Worship at St. Stephen’s is a combination of the traditional and the contemporary. We enjoy the traditional words of the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, and we add contemporary forms to the worship service. We also enjoy a wide variety of music, from classical compositions to contemporary praise music to gospel music. There is something for everyone in our music and worship.

The Links below will take you to our Facebook page. You will see a dialogue box asking you to “Log In” or “Create a New Account.” You need not do either of these just click on the “Not Now” at the bottom of this dialogue box and it will close. Then you will see the entire Church’s Facebook page. Scroll down until you see this Sunday’s Worship Service.

Live Streaming Our Worship Service

Thanks be to God that we are able to gather and worship in our sanctuary for our regularly scheduled services with Holy Eucharist.

Below is the list of our regularly scheduled worship services:

Sunday services are held at 8:00 a.m., and 10:30 a.m. Come as you are, and you will be welcome!